The seeds for our lavender farm were planted many, many years ago by Grandma C.   She loved lavender – in “fancy” soaps and as dried buds in the beautiful sachets she lovingly crocheted and embroidered.

For many years we tried to grow lavender without much success.  It wasn’t until we learned lavender does not like to be well watered, nor planted in fertile garden soils, that we gave it another try.  We planted lavandula x intermedia ‘Phenomenal’, a patented variety of French lavender that can handle our heat and humidity.  Success at last!   Phenomenal makes a beautiful essential oil available in our online store.

Lavender Bundle w ribbon

After the success with ‘Phenomenal’, we expanded our plantings and currently grow several varieties including the culinary English Hidcote.

At Graystem Farm, lavender season begins in late May and runs through mid-July, sometimes with a second flush of blooms in early autumn.   We small batch steam distill the lavender buds for essential oils and hydrosol to create our very own hand crafted bath & beauty products under our new brand Plume & Pomegranate.   Our fields produce enough lavender for spice & herb blends, candies, baked delicacies and sachets.  We also offer dried culinary lavender buds by weight so you can experiment with this versatile herb!

Lavender bud scoop

Want to learn more about lavender?  Visit our Upcoming Events page or sign up for our newsletter for more information about our next Lavender 101 workshop.